Mentava is building software to support independent, accelerated K12 learning

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Mentava Blog

How we use font colors to help beginning readers

Beginning readers frequently have trouble when single sounds are written with multiple letters, like "sh", "th", or "ay”. 


Why Mentava costs $500

The price of Mentava’s learn-to-read program ($500/month) has been controversial since the beginning. Let’s talk about it. 


False Promises: The Reality of Educational Reading Apps

Most "educational" children's apps aren’t in the business of selling education. Their business is selling “babysitting without guilt”. And the longer they can keep kids glued to their screens, the more effectively they deliver on that promise.


Healthy screen time

As a company creating software to teach 3 year olds to read, one of the most common questions we get from parents is “but isn’t screen time bad for kids?”


How I got 50 high-profile angel investors to join our seed round

When I set out to raise the seed round for Mentava (an edtech startup to accelerate childhood learning) earlier this year, I knew it would be a challenge. I was a solo, non-technical, first-time founder, pre-product, pre-team, without an impressive resume or connections to the investors I wanted.